WWE 2K16: 10 Simple Fixes That Would Make It Awesome

9. Loading Times

Much has been made of the fact that WWE 2K16 has reduced loading times, specifically during the entrances of WWE Superstars. The problem here is that they actually haven't. As you'll have no doubt have noticed by now, after a Superstar enters the ring, the camera flashes to the announce team as their mouths move, but no sound comes out. The game them goes back into the ring to show the Superstar who first entered standing there waiting for their opponent to arrive. These are loading times! Sure, they're not loading screens, but it' still an annoying few seconds to wait. Meanwhile, the fact that a Superstar who comes out dressed in a jacket or hat will suddenly have their clothes vanish during the above sequence or a random shot of some terribly animated crowd members also feels like a lazy way to avoid making WWE 2K16 as real as possible by utilising some extra animations to show them removing those items (the same can be said for the fact that Superstars and Divas just appear out of thin air on the entrance ramp rather than walking from the back). Another area where the loading times particularly frustrate is in the Create-A-Wrestler mode. They've definitely improved, but does it really need to take 10 seconds to see what a pair of tights will look like in a different material? Waiting times like these aren't present in much bigger and complex games to this extent, so why they continue to plague this franchise is hard to say and annoying as hell.

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