WWE 2K16: 10 Wrestlers More Deserving Of Being Cover Star

3. Seth Rollins

What a year it's been for Seth Rollins. After an epic heel turn which saw him bring an end to The Shield, Rollins won the Money in the Bank briefcase, became the WWE's top heel, and cashed in on the grandest stage of them all to deliver one of the most memorable WrestleMania moments in recent memory. All of that makes Rollins a deserving choice of cover star for 2K16. The past 18 months or so have made it clear that he really is the future of the WWE (try thinking of anyone else on the roster who has consistently had 5* match after 5* match), and it's baffling that the current World Heavyweight Champion has been overlooked in preference of a Superstar from the past. Rollins being a heel is obviously a problem though, and it might admittedly be a little tricky to market a game around someone who received "You Sold Out" and "Justin Bieber" chants from fans on a weekly basis. Even so, being the cover star would have given Rollins some well-deserved mainstream attention. He proved himself capable of taking on a role in the public eye during that brilliant feud with Jon Stewart, and having him brag about being chosen for the cover would have been a great way for the WWE to repeatedly promote the game on TV, while simultaneously mkinge fans hate him even more than they already do!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.