WWE 2K17: 10 Awesome Match Types It Must Include

8. Inferno

Inferno matches were a regular feature in WWE games up until fairly recently, and while there's no denying that a better system is needed than beating your opponent up and then slowly rolling them into the flames, this is the kind of gimmick match that players should be able to have fun with. While it's good that realism has become such a huge part of these releases, they should also offer up the chance to do something a bit nuts and allow players to relive the crazier moments of the WWE's colourful history; Inferno matches perfectly fit the bill in both respects. One interesting way to approach this would be to have the ropes themselves become deadly. If running against them or being thrown near them causes damage, that would force players to approach matches in a very different way, making the Inferno option more than just a regular bout with some added effects. Too often in past games, stipulations have added very little, so this should only be included if it makes a difference.
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WWE 2K17
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