WWE 2K17: 10 Leading Contenders For A DLC Showcase

5. John Cena's U.S. Open Challenge


You know, that series of matches that produced the best in-ring work of John Cena's career.

It's already being looked back on as a classic string of bouts so there's a chance that 2K could be better off waiting a few years and making it the sole focus of a future title - although you have to believe that it will merely be a chapter of a John Cena Showcase soon...

Matches agains the likes of Dean Ambrose, Cesaro, Seth Rollins, Sami Zayn and Neville all received rave reviews at the time, and would be incredibly fun to recreate.

John Cena in great wrestling matches... WTF Mo... no, this isn't the place for that schtick.

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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.