WWE 2K17: 10 Things That Must Be Brought Back

8. Custom Music

In WWE 2K16, it's pretty confusing that 2K Games secured the rights to some major music tracks yet disallowed people from using them as entrance music. That doesn't make sense, because the development house already have the rights to use the music, what harm is there for mapping it to become Triple H's new entrance music? Instead, people have to pick from uninspiring, generic tracks. If players don't want to use a currently-existing WWE star's music, there are thematic choices, but they're pretty random in quality. Safe choices such as 'American Hero' and 'British Patriot' lack excitement, it stands to reason than users would much rather make use of the real music that's already on the disc. That wasn't an option in WWE 2K16, which baffled many. Worse yet, 2K have taken away the ability for people to load up music already on their console and use it as entrance music. These days, if someone wants to use 'The Birdie Song' as part of John Cena's act, it should be possible. It's ridiculous, yes, but these games live and die on how much customisation is available to their core audience.
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WWE 2K17
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.