WWE 2K17: 10 Things That Must Be Brought Back

9. More Variety On Entrances

There will be those that disagree, but some of the entrances in WWE 2K16 just felt pretty lifeless and boring. Length can be an issue too, leading to players skipping entrance sequences routinely after seeing them a couple of times. In fairness to 2K Games, they are really reliant on the stars available in WWE. That said, there were too many dull portions of entrances, leading to players twiddling their thumbs. Custom entrances for created wrestlers is something that needs to be addressed too. In previous WWF and WWE games, there were so many options for created characters. The sheer amount of variation available in how a character simply walked to the ring was awesome, but it's something that's been glossed over in more recent titles. In short, if players want their create-a-wrestler to stumble towards the ring like he/she has just been beaten up backstage, it should be an option. Alternatively, what if someone creates Razor Ramon - for example - and wants to use familiar entrance moves of the 'Bad Guy'? Both have been included before, and it'd be nice to see more custom entrances, rather than the option to simply map an existing WWE star's routine onto a created character.
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WWE 2K17
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.