WWE 2K17: 10 Things That Must Be Brought Back

6. Urgency To Ladder Matches

As anyone who has tried to win a 'Money In The Bank' match in WWE 2K16 will attest, it's often more a case of lucky timing than skill or thought. On the surface, having wrestlers be forced to wait as they try to pull down the briefcase or title belt is realistic. Due to exhaustion, it would take people a longer amount of time to unhook the prize, but it removes some of the urgency from proceedings. In similar fashion to the problems facing the submission system, there's a sense of frustration. Admittedly, some older WWF titles made it far too easy to win Ladder Matches. They could be defeated in just a few seconds, because characters shot up the ladder and removed the match-winning object almost instantly. It'd be foolish for 2K to go back to that system, but they should adopt a mix of both. One-on-one Ladder bouts in 2K16 aren't a problem, and can actually be exciting. It makes sense that people want to add more bodies into the action however, something which only leads to an endless procession of people spewing expletives as they see a downed opponent rise to their feet before they've even reached the top of the ladder. Ladder Matches need to have less frustration, and more propensity to create big spots or dramatic chase moments.
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WWE 2K17
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.