WWE 2K18: 10 Best WCW CAWs

2. Hollywood Hogan

WWE 2K18 Hollywood Hogan
2K Games

Creator: DrGorillaNuts

Downloads: 773

We know what you're thinking. That bandana isn't quite right, and neither are the shades. Trust us, they're a lot closer to Hollywood Hogan's WCW run than the other CAWs in Community Creations. Most of those mix his later WWE run with his nWo attire instead. If you're looking for Hulk circa 1997-98, this is the best bet.

The bandana and shades can be fixed with a little patience. DrGorillaNuts must have been in a rush or something, but at least they didn't put that black and white feather boa on Hogan that all the others went for. This one is nWo cool personified, and it looks amazing when the bell rings and the entrance attire comes off.

Check that shine on Hollywood's head too. Perfection.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.