WWE 2K18: 10 Best WCW CAWs

1. Randy Savage

WWE 2K18 Randy Savage
2K Games

Creator: RainAlways

Downloads: 712

The 'Macho Man' is in WWE 2K18 as an unlockable, but only his WWF run is represented. Randy Savage didn't look the same his entire career though, so it's a good thing RainAlways stepped in to give us Savage from 1999-era WCW. Some fans want to forget that entire run. Not us.

Get with the 'Madness' and bolster that 712 download count. This user has put a lot of time and effort into this one, and it shows. Sure, you could download Randy in the nWo or another WWF variation, but this is top notch CAW work from head to toe. Old-school gamers will appreciate that it looks like Savage's model from WCW Mayhem has been brought into HD.

Ooh yeah, dig it and other assorted Randy Savage puns: RainAlways has created the best WCW CAW this year.


What are your favourite WCW CAWs in WWE 2K18? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.