WWE 2K18: 10 Things It Can Learn From Past Games

1. Simulation Gameplay Doesn't Need To Be Boring

WWF No Mercy N64

Above all else, 2K need to realise that striving to make the wrestling video game experience a simulation doesn't necessarily mean it has to be dull. Sadly, 2K17 was slower than The Undertaker's offence circa 1991, and that comes at the expense of making the game fun.

No Mercy on the N64 got the balance right. A mix between arcade action and simulation made it a sheer joy to play, so 2K should study the core gameplay there to see what makes a perfect wrestling video game. Combine that with modern graphics or better presentation and 2K18 could be one of the best wrestling games in years, or at least something special.

Slowing things down to a snail's pace makes every match feel sluggish. There must be more emphasis on zipping the action along whilst maintaining some elements of realism. Nobody's advocating a return to In Your House here, we want some wrestling, but it needs to be a bit slicker to play.

What else do you think WWE 2K18 could learn from past wrestling games? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.