WWE 2K18: 10 Things It Can Learn From Past Games

8. Looks Are Important

Triple H Pedigree Edge Smackdown Vs Raw 2009

Remember when trailers played for SmackDown: Shut Your Mouth in 2002 and everyone's jaw hit the floor? That wow factor hasn't been seen since, not even when WWE games were launched for future consoles. As sad as it is, the series has been left behind graphically.

Hair still looks awful, animations feel stiff and buggy, and there's just a general lack of polish in 2K's WWE games. That amazement over how good Shut Your Mouth looked compared to Just Bring It just isn't there in the newer titles. For example, did anyone notice a real upgrade between 2K16 and 2K17? Hardly.

The entire engine needs an update, just like it was given for Shut Your Mouth in 2002. Realising how tame Just Bring It had been, THQ worked hard to make the following year's game one wrestling fans could be proud of. Looks are important, 2K, and so are first impressions. 2K18 better have something new to offer.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.