WWE 2K18: 10 Things It Can Learn From Past Games

7. Create-A-Finisher Is Awesome

Create a finisher wwe

One of the most confusing things about 2K is that they seem to switch features in and out without much explanation. Instead of telling fans that they wanted to work on the 'Create-A-Finisher' suite in order to make it better, they just whipped it from the feature set for 2K17 and expected people to be happy about it.

When are 2K going to realise that being able to create your own anything is awesome? Sure, creating different wrestlers, arenas, belts and the rest is fun, but so is being able to hand your new star a unique finishing move nobody else in the game uses. That complete customisation is missing from 2K17, and that shouldn't be happening nowadays.

Admittedly, Create-A-Finisher does need some work, but leaving the old system in shouldn't have been a problem for 2K. Once players find a way to work around the fact some animations don't merge smoothly with others, coming up with fresh moves is exciting.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.