WWE 2K18: 20 CAWs You Must Download Immediately

3. The Young Bucks (DabossmanJones)

WWE 2K18 The Young Bucks
2K Games

Finding genuinely good CAWs of The Young Bucks isn't as easy as it should be, but that's likely because there are so many out there. In fact, 2K Games even requested Matt and Nick Jackson do some motion capture work for WWE 2K19 next year because so many gamers already create them in the current releases.

The Bucks are some of the most-created stars in WWE games right now. That won't come as a surprise to anyone who follows their worldwide buzz, but it does make the lack of top-notch character models all the more annoying. DabossmanJones comes close, especially if you want those IWGP Tag Titles too.

Download them as a package and you'll get solid playable versions of The Young Bucks along with some sweet looking belts. Nick probably shouldn't have a different level of tan to his brother, but that's a minor gripe that can be easily fixed.

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