WWE 2K18: 24 WTF CAWs You Need To See

16. Paige As Sister Abigail

WWE 2K18
2K Games

Those who managed to resist laughing when Bray Wyatt suddenly transformed into 'Sister Abigail' to frighten Finn Bálor on Raw, pat yourselves on the back. There are CAWs chronicling this moment out there already. If that doesn't float your boat, then perhaps pretending someone else was set to debut as Abigail might.

Wait, is that Paige? It sure looks like her. The creator of this gem was using some creative license here, because she hasn't been around WWE TV for quite some time now. All these months we thought Paige was out nursing injuries, when really she was guiding Bray Wyatt's career and surviving her home being burned to the ground by Randy Orton.

Remember that? WWE don't.

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