WWE 2K18: 24 WTF CAWs You Need To See

17. Bork Laser

WWE 2K18
2K Games

Type 'Bork Laser' into Google, click images and you'll be met with a ton of memes dedicated to misspelling Brock Lesnar's name. Maybe this was hilarious back in 2003, but it's hardly award-winning comedy in 2017. That hasn't stopped one 2K18 user from creating their own tribute to Lesnar's internet-created alter ego.

Bork doesn't have too many downloads right now on Community Creations, and it's not hard to see why. Also, what's up with Dolph Ziggler's t-shirt? What is going on!? Just remove that shirt, muck around with this CAW and you could turn Bork Laser into Greedo from the Star Wars universe. Count us in.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.