WWE 2K18: 7 Biggest Disappointments

6. Some Of The Character Models

WWE 2K18 Kevin Owens
2K Games

When playing a sports title like FIFA, it makes sense that EA wouldn't dedicate the same time to scanning lower league players as they would to top stars like Cristiano Ronaldo. That may be expected in a sports sim with thousands of competitors, but it isn't in a WWE game, which trades on clearly defined characters. Why then, does Kevin Owens look sub-par next to Enzo Amore?

Some of the character models in 2K18 are very disappointing. It's not as though Owens is a peripheral figure either; he's one of the top names on SmackDown and recently headlined WWE's Hell in a Cell pay-per-view. To see him looking like a hastily-crafted CAW is terribly frustrating. Fans deserve better.

In an age of improved lighting, super-charged graphic engines and more processing power on consoles than ever before, there's no excuse for tossing out superstar wrestlers who look little like their real life selves. Even The Rock barely looks like Dwayne Johnson, and he's one of Hollywood's biggest stars.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.