WWE 2K18: 7 New Features You Need To Know

5. WWE Universe Will Feature 'Superstar Goals'

WWE 2K17 Kevin Owens
2K Sports

In a similar vein to the 'Road To Glory' feature, 2K18 will also include a new 'Superstar Goals' suite in WWE Universe. The Universe mode has been a little tedious over the past few years, partly because 2K have been drip-feeding new ideas in each game. Goals would be a step forward then, because they'd inspire people to play around with different wrestlers than just their favourites.

Universe will also see a revised story system that provides a more natural progression. On top of that, the game will feature new storyline cut scenes and a fresh approach to the rankings system that the mode relies on for title matches. 2K seem determined to get Universe right.

Hopefully, the objective concept will see guys like Kevin Owens trying to become Universal Champion before the end of the calendar year or a lowly wrestler like Bo Dallas striving for a solid showing in the annual Royal Rumble.

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