WWE 2K18: 9 Awesome New Things You Can Do

1. Create A Weapons-Based Playground

WWE 2K18
2K Games

In their never-ending mission to give gamers more freedom, 2K have included the ability to plan out a weapons area when creating an arena this year. That's right, you won't just be messing around with the ring, entrance stage or lighting, because exactly which implements of chaos wrestlers will beat one another senseless with is also left up to player choice.

Right now, there are only 5 different templates to pick from, but that's better than nothing at all. Besides, you can then decide which weapons are in your hardcore playpen and use that area during matches held in the custom arena you've just made. That's pretty damn exciting.

Weapon areas count as a 'Base Setting', so make sure to choose that menu when creating your own arenas in 2K18. From there, players are free to decide what items they'll be belting opponents with when matches spill out of the ring.


What new stuff are you most looking forward to trying out in WWE 2K18? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.