WWE 2K18: 9 Awesome New Things You Can Do

8. Use The Shield's Triple Powerbomb In Singles Matches

WWE 2K18 The Shield
2K Games

The Shield's Triple Powerbomb has been in WWE video games before, but only when all three members have been involved in a match. In 2K18, you can now set up bouts so that the rest of the faction camp out at ringside as managers. Do that and you'll be able to trigger one of those 'OMG' moments and see The Shield in action.

Best of all, you won't be disqualified for relying on interference to hammer your opponent. The referee will kick the Shield members not originally involved in the match out of the arena, but you'll still be free to pin your foe and win easily. This is a seriously nice touch.

Some users on Twitter have claimed that the triple-team move is only unlocked by wrestling as Roman Reigns with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins at ringside. That hasn't been confirmed yet, but even if true it doesn't detract from an excellent little Easter egg.

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