WWE 2K18: 9 Awesome New Things You Can Do

7. Play The Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic

The Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic was a tournament held in NXT during 2015 and 2016 that honoured the legendary 'American Dream'. There's every chance WWE will host the tournament again in 2017. If they don't, then gamers can do it for them in 2K18. Just don't expect 2K to make a lot of noise about this one.

It's no secret that most of the 2K development team working on 2K18 are huge wrestling fans themselves, so they likely get a kick out of including hidden gems like this one. All you'll have to do is set up a tournament in the game, select 'Two-On-Two' and the Dusty Classic option will become available. They even put the trophy in there too.

Teams can be randomised and there's even the chance to carry fatigue/damage over from previous matches into the latter stages. Now, if only they'd put War Games in there next year. Why not? Dusty's most famous creation is being used at NXT TakeOver: War Games, so it makes sense to include it.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.