WWE 2K18: 9 Awesome New Things You Can Do

5. Achieve Superstar Goals

WWE 2K18 Universe Mode
2K Games/WWE

Universe Mode is still the same old slog through endless matches. 2K did tweak things to include promos and segments last year, but the feature remains one of 2K18's most lifeless modes overall. However, there is one nice new touch in the 'Superstar Goals'. This should keep at least some people playing a little longer.

The lack of a concentrated Story Mode enabling gamers to play as real WWE stars forces us to pick the same characters and plough through Universe with them. Of course, that leaves many of the game's roster untouched. When was the last time you played as Xavier Woods for longer than a handful of matches?

Goals look to change that. Now, every character in the game chases their own objectives. For example, most tag-teams want to win the Tag Titles, and almost every mid-carder is looking towards either the United States or Intercontinental belts.

This has potential.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.