WWE 2K18: 9 Awesome New Things You Can Do

6. Create Smaller Arenas

WWE 2K18 Create An Arena
2K Games

As good as the Create-An-Arena feature has become in recent years, it's still been annoying to see limitations imposed on the creation suite. Up until now, the smallest arena available has been modelled on WWE house show arenas holding just a few thousand people. 2K18 changes that, and it's better than ever.

If you've ever fancied setting up a WWE show in a high-school gym or old ballroom, then now is your chance to do just that. This is great news for those who love crafting arenas in honour of independent companies and sticking them up for download. For the first time ever, some of these shows may actually look faithful to the real events that inspired them.

The ballroom in particular appears to be a homage to ECW's old Hammerstein Ballroom venue in New York. Hopefully, 2K will let us strip away any WWE branding from the arena, meaning an ECW On TNN arena (for example) will be dripping in hardcore nostalgia.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.