WWE 2K18: 9 Awesome New Things You Can Do

3. Use Glow-In-The-Dark Clothing

WWE 2K18 Create A Superstar
2K Games

The Create-A-Superstar suite 2K have built for WWE 2K18 is the best yet in the series. That's saying something, because some of the models skilled players created in 2K17 looked almost as good as the best in-game characters made by the developers. Just think what's possible this year.

One of the best new additions you'll be tinkering around with is glow-in-the-dark clothing. Individual letters on your CAW's costume can even become eye-catching examples of 2K's love for allowing player customisation in their games. Don't worry about getting it right first time either, because you can preview these elements from the creation screen itself.

Anything can be made to glow-in-the-dark, even tattoos and hair. Expect that Community Creations tab to fill up with all sorts of weird and wonderful characters. Ever wanted to give someone a glowing singlet during his/her entrance? Now you can.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.