WWE 2K18 Early Wishlist: 11 Things Fans Want To See

8. Less Paid DLC Features

WWE 2K18 Kurt Angle
2K Sports

Now, nobody's saying that 2K shouldn't be able to charge for DLC, but they really need to make sure it's both fair and worth it.

Should the likes of The Club and Austin Aries, who have been in WWE for over 6 months, really be paid DLC? The character models were clearly completed alongside the rest of the roster, and it's just a cheap way to tear more money from fans' wallets.

Then there's the Accelerator, which can be purchased for a small price in order to unlock everything in the game from the start and allow the player to edit the wrestlers' stats. Without the Accelerator, there's no way to comprehensively fiddle the stats, which is immensely lame given how simple a feature it is, and therefore shouldn't require any additional compensation on top of the game's price tag.

It won't happen, but a more reasonable approach to DLC (i.e. not gouging and exploiting the fanbase) would be nice.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.