WWE 2K19: 10 Awesome Features That Must Return

2. Here Comes The Pain's Backstage Freedom

SmackDown Here Comes The Pain

Whether you were smashing Tajiri's head against a Goldberg poster in the locker room, scooping up some sorry sap on The Undertaker's motorcycle and running around with them, or hitting an elbow drop from a helicopter, backstage brawls in Here Comes The Pain were a riot. They can be so again.

Whilst backstage brawls were in 2K18, outrageous set pieces were notably absent and need to return in a big way come 2K19.

Hitting moves off the top of buildings and crashing to the concrete below is a lot more fun than trying to lure someone into Vince McMahon's office so you can slam their head off his desk. As much as 2K18 tried, it didn't capture the playground feel of earlier efforts from THQ.

2K must start taking notes on how that developer often made backstage brawling more essential than in-ring action. THQ achieved that with moments involving vehicles, killer bumps and total interaction with an environment that seemed never-ending back then.

Exploring backstage (and outside the building) must become fascinating again.

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