WWE 2K19: 10 Awesome Features That Must Return

9. Story Mode

SmackDown Here Comes The Pain Story Mode

If combined with the linear narrative of the Showcases, a return to the old Story Mode format THQ used in games such as SmackDown: Shut Your Mouth and Here Comes The Pain would be a treat for older fans. It's something younger gamers haven't fully experienced either, and that's pretty strange to write.

Think about it: there's an entire generation of WWE-inspired gamers who haven't tasted the thrill of taking their favourite star through a year or two of matches, storylines and feuds. Universe Mode doesn't count either, because it's much more of an all-round experience designed for dipping in and out of different situations.

It sucks that picking Seth Rollins, AJ Styles or yes, Roman Reigns (some people like him) and living vicariously through their week-to-week schedules is only possible if players are willing to stomach Universe Mode's overall dullness.

This is a must. It's long overdue.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.