WWE 2K19: 10 Biggest Changes 2K Must Make

2. A Career Mode That Reflects Modern WWE

WWE 2K18 The Shield
2K Games

As referenced in the "More Voiceovers" entry, 2K's focus on creating a random world in Universe Mode makes it difficult for them to weave in proper voice work. That'd be fine if Universe wasn't the only way players could assume control of an actual WWE star and guide them through something resembling a career.

This is a fine example of missed opportunity.

In WWE 2K19, for example, fans should be playing through The Shield's mini-reunion last year, feuding AJ Styles with a bitter Shinsuke Nakamura and following Raw GM Kurt Angle's quest to fend off Stephanie McMahon's overbearing ways as Commissioner. All of those are real stories people have watched on TV, and they'd be fun to experience in-game.

Creating a Career (or Story) Mode that follows real-world WWE events is a must. There's so much scope to experiment with plot twists or insert interview footage from the names involved, and it's baffling that 2K refuse to do it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.