WWE 2K19: 10 Most Wanted New Features

2. Females In MyCareer

WWE 2K18 Charlotte
2K Games

We'd be very surprised if 2K19 doesn't include some sort of female Career Mode.

Unless those making the game have been living under a rock, they'll know that women are more valuable to WWE's product that ever before. They headlined the latest Royal Rumble pay-per-view, regularly have some of the best matches on TV and now crossover celebs like Ronda Rousey are getting in on the act.

Any fears 2K had in last year's game about a female MyCareer being a limited experience (small roster, fewer titles to go for etc) should be allayed by what WWE are doing in the real world. 2K19 needs a female MyCareer, otherwise it'll represent a missed opportunity for the series.

With rosters on Raw, SmackDown and NXT, it's hardly as if there's a lack of numbers in the female ranks in 2018. If that doesn't suit, maybe 2K could just do away with MyCareer altogether and go in a different direction...

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