WWE 2K19: 10 Most Wanted New Features

3. Complete Editing Abilities

WWE 2K18 Kevin Owens
2K Games

Being able to mess around with different attire slots for on-disc WWE stars is a nice touch 2K have thankfully kept in over recent titles. The developers are dedicated to giving people as much freedom to create their own WWE experience as humanly possible. Why stop at changing the colour of Shinsuke Nakamura's ring gear or putting a new t-shirt on Seth Rollins?

Imagine being able to have complete control over how WWE looked. If 2K were feeling brave, they could let gamers tweak absolutely everything in the game, including colour schemes for major shows, haircuts and tattoos for pre-rendered superstars and more.

That's player freedom.

Best of all, it wouldn't take too much extra effort. 2K18 already allows us to change wrestler entrances, move sets and attires. Surely deciding that The Miz should bring back his faux hawk or decreeing that Monday Night Raw is due a set change is all part of the fun.

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