WWE 2K19: 10 Most Wanted New Features

7. Listenable Commentary

Michael Cole Corey Graves Coach

2K made a big deal out of 'improved commentary' that would deliver authentic narration for your big WWE moments in 2K18. Then, when the game finally came out, excited gamers were left wondering why announcing hasn't improved much since Tazz was speaking in different tones during the same sentence in Just Bring It.

Listenable commentary is a must for 2K19. It's hardly as though it'd be a stretch for the developers either. Look at other major sports franchises like FIFA or 2K's own NBA series and the announcing is top notch. Why do they find it so difficult to get Michael Cole or Corey Graves excited?

These fellas need a lesson or two from Martin Tyler, otherwise we'll be doomed to hear the same monotonous comments over and over again. There's only so many times players can listen to Cole shout "Oh my" at the most inopportune moments or call the wrong move before they want to switch commentary off.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.