WWE 2K19: 10 Most Wanted New Features

8. In-Crowd Brawling

WWE 2K18
2K Games

As sweet as it was to see those specific areas for brawling in 2K18 make a return, it'd be even sweeter to have a lot more freedom in the next game. Seeing wrestlers stop during a bitter fight to ensure they're only brawling in the right areas feels jarring, and it'd be much better if players could scrap anywhere in the arena.

Specifically, we want to see Street Fights actually take place on the streets, or Falls Count Anywhere epics end up in the bleachers next to screaming fans. This isn't real life, so 2K don't need to worry about anyone getting hurt in the stands. Besides, it's a video game, and it should be possible to go anywhere/do anything.

WWE's video games have scaled back on this out-of-the-ring mayhem. That's a shame, especially because so many people remember it from games like Here Comes The Pain or even WCW Backstage Assault. No, wait... hang on.

If 2K let us brawl in the crowd as opposed to a pre-set area, it wouldn't be.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.