WWE 2K19: 10 Most Wanted New Features

5. War Games

WWE 2K18 War Games
2K Games

Match types that need a return include Inferno and Casket. That seems like wishful thinking when 2K seem more concerned with removing stipulations than adding them though, so perhaps mentioning War Games at this point is dangerous. This has been on the 2K wish lists for years now.

The only difference between previous pleas and this year is that WWE have now finally presented their own version of the NWA/WCW classic in NXT. TakeOver: War Games arenas are even available to download via Community Creations. Could we be closer than ever to seeing one of Dusty's finest creations in a WWE game?

It's a must for 2K19. Should 2K introduce War Games as a new match type this year, expect it to peak interest in the series even if they don't announce anything else. People wanted to see War Games happen in the company, and now it has they want to play it in the games.

Don't make us wait any longer, 2K.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.