WWE 2K19: 10 Playable Wrestlers Who WON’T Return

2. Enzo Amore

WWE 2K18 Enzo Amore
2K Games

Enzo Amore, for all his promo skills and popularity several years ago, is in the exact same boat.

Arrested amidst sexual assault allegations at the turn of the year, Amore was stripped of the WWE Cruiserweight Title and released from his contract just six days before he was set to appear at January's Royal Rumble show. Aside from one quick post recently (one that hinted at retirement from the ring), he's been quiet on social media.

Enzo's fall is a true case of going from "penthouse to outhouse". Last year, he was splashed all over 2K's promotion for 2K18, and his highly-detailed character model was used to show the snazzy new lightning mechanics. It worked too; standing with a microphone on the Raw stage, Amore looked resplendent.

Fast forward to today and Amore is pretty much persona non grata in WWE's world. "Muscles Marinara" won't be in 2K19, either on-disc out of the box or as timed DLC. He's likely to pop up in Community Creations, but that's about it.

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