WWE 2K19: 10 Potential Showcase Modes

6. Triple H: King Of Kings

WWE 2K18 Triple H Mania
2K Games

WWE 2K15 included a Showcase feature looking at Triple H's feud with Shawn Michaels. It was decent, albeit not quite as comprehensive as the following year's Stone Cold retrospective. As one of the biggest names in company history and a key figure behind the scenes, "The Game" deserves better.

Hold on now, this isn't some fan boy advocating that 2K gush all over Triple H's accomplishments. No, his career "highlights" would encompass embarrassing early defeats to The Ultimate Warrior and that "Greenwich Blue Blood" character that struggled to get over with fans pre-DX.

Triple H's career, whether you like him or not, is as fascinating as it is lengthy.

There's enough material here for 2K to squeeze the full career treatment out of him. Playing through matches against The Rock, The Undertaker, Randy Orton, John Cena and even others like Vince McMahon, Sting and Daniel Bryan would be a lot of fun.

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