WWE 2K19: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

2. Showcase Mode Could Return

WWE 2K19

2K's decision to remove Showcases from the lineup in their WWE games was greeted with groans in 2K17. Those who played through the Steve Austin story in 2K16 will know just how well-realised the feature was, and it's been atop wish lists for a comeback ever since.

According to WrestleVotes, this could be the year.

The site's Twitter account posted that Daniel Bryan will be the subject of a special Showcase, and he might even get a limited edition release of his own. The latter sounds fun, but 2K have already announced a Ric Flair edition. It'd perhaps overshadow cover star AJ Styles if Bryan got one too. Just a thought.

WrestleVotes reason that WWE and 2K want to squeeze as much juice out of Daniel's return before he possibly departs the promotion in September. His Showcase would chronicle major moments in his career (NXT, WrestleMania XXX etc) and end with that stirring in-ring return at 'Mania 34 this year.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.