WWE 2K19: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

9. Revamped Crowd Noise & Arena Atmosphere

WWE 2K18 Crowd
2K Games

In other, happier news from @xKingMoex, there's a chance 2K have been spending some time revamping audio elements in time for 2K19's release. No, it's not quite that grating commentary or even superstar voice overs (those are both still possible however). Instead, it's the actual crowd itself.

Those lifeless cheers and piped in boos of old may well be given the boot.

That's great news, and it could give arena atmosphere a much-needed overhaul. New chants coming from the stands, audiences reacting organically to what's happening inside the ring and turns in Universe Mode being greeted by more energy are just some of the things being touted.

Furthermore, we may be able to hear a contrast between men, women and young children when they chant, cheer or jeer. That'll come in handy for those Roman Reigns matches, or when Brock Lesnar splats him and all the 25-40 year old dudes in the crowd let out a booming, "Yeeeeeeah".

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