WWE 2K19: 10 Tips & Tricks To Play Like A Pro

2. Stay Calm When Pinned

WWE 2K19 Pin
2K Games

Button mashing has no place in 2K's default pin fall mini-game.

These days, it's all about staying calm, keeping a beady eye on the power bar and stopping it in the hot spot that enables a match-saving kick out. If you're panicky and smash every button on the controller, you'll lose more matches than win. It's really as simple as that.

Timing is everything here, and it requires concentration. Do not look at the pin animation for even one second, otherwise all is lost. No, keep your eyes firmly trained on the power bar and relax. Rest assured you will be given at least one fair chance to stay in the match, and it'll come right before the three count.

Obviously, this isn't the case early in matches when the hot spot is bigger and your character has more strength. Late on, it's all about maintaining composure, timing your one button press and ignoring all the other drama filling 99% of the screen.

With some practice, you may never be pinned again.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.