WWE 2K19: 10 Tips & Tricks To Play Like A Pro

3. Let Opponents Sell

WWE 2K19
2K Games

Older gamers will recall with a giggle how characters would roll to their feet in the early SmackDown games on PSOne. Selling, it seems, was lost on THQ back then. That's an aspect of the series 2K have improved tenfold in the years since. In 2K19, damage actually matters, and selling is also something you can use to your advantage.

This goes hand-in-hand with stamina. After knocking an opponent down, don't immediately go on the offensive again and try to pick them up for another attack. Instead, pause for a second and watch as the CPU cycles through some selling animations. Meanwhile, your wrestler's stamina bar will replenish, and so will a sliver of health.

If you're bored during these moments, perform a quick taunt. Emphasis on the word quick however, because it's embarrassing to be caught mid-taunt by a recovering rival. Taunts will boost momentum, ensuring you take every chance to get stronger as the CPU weakens.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.