WWE 2K19: 8 Forgotten Things You Can Still Do
8. Fully Customise The CPU's Habits

Put plainly, the AI in 2K19 is a cheating, reversal-spamming bastard. It'll lure you into a comfort zone by taking a kicking and impossibly rolling out of the way before that top-rope Randy Savage elbow can connect. Then, as if that wasn't enough, it'll steal your finisher and the win despite having 0% health left.
If you've ever been in that position, then rejoice. There's a way to remedy the pain and ensure matches go how you want them to.
In the options menu, select 'Gameplay' and 'Game Balancing'. There, prepare to giggle like a movie villain as you remove the CPU's ability to reverse finishers at all and ensure swinging a steel chair connects with their skull every time. It's cheating, but they started it.
In all seriousness, this excellent feature (one 2K have had for a few years now) is something they never make a lot of noise about. For those seeking a more realistic WWE match experience, there are slider details available online. Others who prefer an arcade-y style, you're covered too.