WWE 2K19: 8 Forgotten Things You Can Still Do

7. Target Specific Body Parts

WWE 2K19 Ding
2K Games

Back in the olden days, THQ introduced a subtly brilliant mechanic to their SmackDown vs. Raw Series. In Here Comes The Pain, a little mannequin could be seen down next to your character's status bar, and it let you know which parts were damaged. This went hand-in-hand with the limb targeting system.

By holding one of the shoulder buttons and then pressing one of the face buttons, it was possible to direct attacks at the head, left arm, right arm or legs respectively. Guess what? It still is, and yet nobody is talking about this tactical masterclass in basic wrestling psychology.

On PS4, hold down R1 then choose from triangle (head), square (left arm), circle (right arm) or X (legs) to dish out the punishment as you see fit; it's RB and Y, X, B and A on Xbox One. This is one seriously overlooked game plan when playing as a wrestler who uses submissions as a signature move or finishing hold.

Sadly, there's no button for dinging someone in the balls like Shinsuke Nakamura does.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.