WWE 2K19: 8 Forgotten Things You Can Still Do

6. Turn Off Reversal Limitations

WWE 2K19 Reversal
2K Games

Before explaining this one, it's important to state (for the record) that 2K are trying to keep matches flowing back and forth by restricting the amount of times each superstar can reverse strikes and grapples. We get that, but it's bloody annoying, and it's the kind of thing that ups frustration levels mid-match.

Kill it, kill it with fire. Or just turn it off completely in the options menu.

This is another optional gameplay element 2K keep hidden. So, if you don't think it's fair that Billie Kay should have to wait until her reversal bars fill up slowly before she can block another forearm smash from MMA bad ass Ronda Rousey, remove the mechanic from your game.

Suddenly, being able to reverse at will becomes joyful, and it becomes more fun with friends. If you combine that with a few tweaks on the gameplay sliders menu to keep things fair, matches can still have some back and forth action without waiting for little orange meters to turn yellow.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.