WWE 2K19: 8 Forgotten Things You Can Still Do

3. Get Everything Instantly

WWE 2K19 VC Purchasables
2K Games

It's such a chore to build up a respectable amount of VC in 2K19. For example, most wrestlers in the purchasables section cost around 5,000, meaning you're gonna' have to grind through endless matches just to get hands on Steve Austin. A good idea in theory, but tedious as all hell in practice.

Use real money instead.

OK, so encouraging players to splash the cash for stuff that should already be included is bogus, and it has become a cancer of the video game industry. Without veering off on a tangent about that, it does suck. Regardless, spending another few quid (£3.99 in the UK) will unlock every single name on the purchasables screen, and that's not all.

Buy the 'Accelerator Pack' and you'll be able to change in-game superstar stats to your liking too. Some won't like this even being here, but there are others who don't want to wait and don't see another mini-payment like this as a big deal if it saves them bags of time in the long run.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.