WWE 2K19: 8 Forgotten Things You Can Still Do

2. Put An Opponent Through The Elimination Chamber Pods

WWE 2K19 Elimination Chamber
2K Games

It'd be nice to know what ex-ECW announcer Joey Styles thinks about his trademark exclamation, "Oh My God" still being part of WWE's product. In 2K19, it takes the form of 'OMG Moments' like Powerbombing a helpless fool through the announce desk or smashing them through the side of a Steel Cage.

One of the most forgotten about 'OMGs' involves the "bullet proof glass" (according to good ol' JR anyway) that secures each Elimination Chamber pod. In this year's game, it's still possible to hurl opponents through it, and there are a few ways to see this violent spot.

The best is picking Braun Strowman and throwing someone back first into the pane. Another is using a character with a Spear as their finisher (Edge, Goldberg, Roman Reigns etc), laying the CPU up against the window and then running full force into them.

Holding R1/RB and pressing triangle/Y will trigger one of the OMG moments provided you have one finisher stored and at least 50% stamina left. It's endless fun to smash all four pods and pin each victim after they've gone through the glass.

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