WWE 2K19 Early Reviews: 7 Things We Learned

5. The UI Has Been Cleaned Up

WWE 2K19
2K Games

In some gameplay footage on several YouTube channels, you may have spotted the new interface for menus in 2K19. If so, you wouldn't soon forget it. The main 'hub' for the game looks fantastic, and it's a sweeping improvement over the samey menus we've seen for years now.

Everything has a straightforward monochrome look that's clean, easy to navigate and pretty artsy all at once.

The way character models ebb and flow to the side is great, and the text is big and bold. Obviously, getting excited about menus is hard to do, but 2K should be commended for putting some effort into updating the part of the game you'll see when booting up. First impressions count and all that, y'know?

In motion, the UI is one of the best we've ever seen from a video game. As someone who spent much of his formative years dealing with the original few SmackDowns and their crappy bubble aesthetic, this is a step in the right direction.

Give those art directors a bonus.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.