WWE 2K19 Early Reviews: 7 Things We Learned

1. There's An Emphasis On Wacky Fun

WWE 2K19 Cel Shading
2K Games


That's the perfect word to describe what wrestling games should be all about. In 2K19, although it doesn't look like the game's core gameplay will be totally different from before, the devs have given us some new toys to muck around with when we get bored and cause some.

Following on from 2K18's 8-bit experiment is the ability to cel shade the graphics (as shown here by a random match between Rikishi and André The Giant) or live out your dreams of pitting two wrestling bobbleheads against one another. Yep, just like in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Goldeneye and Timesplitters of old, the 'Big Head' mode has come to 2K's series.

Elsewhere, there's the much-publicised zombie version of Triple H that's been doing the rounds and a golden AJ Styles character model that acts as the final boss in his Towers Mode tree; fans of Michael Jackson's Moonwalker movie may spot a slight similarity between this AJ and the giant robot MJ transformed into there.

These things are all trinkets rather than full-blown treasure, of course, but they do show a willingness from 2K to veer away from simulation and make WWE games fun again.

How do you think WWE 2K19 is shaping up? Will you be buying the game on launch? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.