WWE 2K19 Review: 5 Ups & 3 Downs


5. The Return Of Showcase

WWE 2K19
2K Games

There will be some gamers who buy 2K19 solely on the promise of a whirlwind journey through Daniel Bryan's epic WWE career. That's the power of Showcase, and it's why many were left scratching their heads when 2K stripped it from the feature set in 2K17 and 2K18.

Showcase doesn't need to be a perfect addition to the game, it only needs to take players through historic moments and let them interact with some fond memories. Bryan's story hits hard on almost every beat, and it's the same charming distraction Showcase always was. The only difference is that, this time, modern WWE is explored rather than classic.

This should be a lesson to 2K, and it goes hand in hand with the second 'down'. They've shown how capable they are of capturing modern-day WWE storytelling here, and that'll hopefully lead to more in the future. Why not? There are other engaging subjects like The Shield and John Cena to delve into.

Bryan's Showcase is a stunning return for a mode than should never have gone away.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.