WWE 2K19 Towers Mode: Everything You Need To Know

6. It's Not Necessarily 2K19's Only Featured Mode

WWE 2K19 Alexa Bliss
2K Games

At no point in their (rather epic) press release did 2K state outright that this would be the only major single-player mode they're offering in 2K19. That, for those keeping score at home, means there's still a slight chance we'll see the return of something like Showcase, Road To WrestleMania or another, similar Story Mode.

Or, perhaps it means 2K are bracing themselves to announce that there will finally be a women's MyCareer path open. If so, there's a good chance they'll reveal that a little closer to WWE's all-female pay-per-view in October; 2K19 launches around three weeks before Evolution, and it'd make a nice lead in to the show if announcers were able to cross-promote on TV.

WWE adore that kind of thing anyway, so it's possible.

Those worrying that they'll only have Universe, MyCareer and Towers to muck around with upon release shouldn't fret too much. It's very likely that 2K will show off some more of the cards they've been clutching so closely to their chests over the next few months.

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