WWE 2K19 Universe Mode: 7 Improvements You Need To Know About

5. Wrestlers Can Have Up To Three Managers

WWE 2K19 Universe Mode
2K Games

Maybe you're a fan of Lio Rush and want to see him turn on Bobby Lashley to side with Brock Lesnar. Perhaps you think Drake Maverick has the potential to be Paul Heyman 2.0 and fancy seeing what it'd be like if Brock kicked his 'Advocate' to the side in favour of the 205 Live GM.

Or, maybe you think Heyman should lead a stable of young managers and take them under his wing.

All those situation are achievable in 2K19's Universe Mode. Managers are more flexible than ever, and not tied down to what's happening in the real-world WWE. Of note, each wrestler can now have up to three different managers, and you'll be able to pick which one accompanies him/her to the ring for singles matches or normal tag-team bouts.

That's a key thing: managers won't be at ringside for some of the stipulation matches like Hell In A Cell or Money In The Bank, and you won't be watching them prowl around during the Royal Rumble. Still, it's nice of 2K to give mouthpieces a bigger presence this year.

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