WWE 2K19 Universe Mode: 7 Improvements You Need To Know About

4. Custom Control Over Frequency Of Match Types

WWE 2K19 Steel Cage
2K Games

Last year's Universe seemed to go off the deep end after a while. When left to its own devices, the CPU decided that episodes of Raw and SmackDown should randomly open with Steel Cage matches or Street Fights between wrestlers who hadn't even been feuding with one another. The whole thing felt unrealistic.

This time, you're the one who decides how many Cage wars go on in WWE. Some handy new sliders empower the player to decide how frequent these stipulations are, so (in theory) there should be no more bloody battles to open Raw between Titus O'Neil and Finn Bálor.

2K have also introduced something they're calling 'Custom Match Tables'.

This lets you assign stips to specific brands. If you choose to only have Ladder Matches on Raw, then you won't be seeing them on Tuesday nights at all, or anywhere else other than the monthly pay-per-views. This is another step in the right direction in terms of giving players complete control.

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