WWE 2K20: 10 Biggest Changes 2K Must Make

9. Greater Environmental Interaction

WWE 2K19 Backstage
2K Games

Backstage brawling has improved in recent games, there's no denying. Taking the fight through the hallways and into the McMahon family office is fun, and so is giving Bobby Lashley a thorough dousing with a fire extinguisher just because you're Goldberg and you can. That kind of limitless action is what we want.

Environmental interactions are on the comeback trail, but they're still buggy as sh*t. It shouldn't feel like such a chore to set up a table then put someone through it. Immediate gratification of old has been replaced by a super-slow system that usually ends up with the AI recovering and spoiling our plans.

That's. Not. Fun.

We want everything backstage to be interactive, including locker room doors, benches sitting next to walls, WWE photo shoot props and cameras, cars, trucks and more. Not only that, we demand that these are easier to use and don't force characters into pre-cycled animations if they don't happen to be standing in the exact spot the game wants them to.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.